Our Founder - Your Doctor
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Darlene Ifill-Taylor, MD, Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association
Medical Director / Founder - Three Strand Wellness
With over 25 years of experience as a physician, Darlene Ifill-Taylor, MD, FAPA, is an Interventional Psychiatrist, Therapist, Psychopharmacologist, and Founder/Medical Director of Three Strand Wellness in Charlotte, NC. Three Strand Wellness treats adults, adolescents, couples and families, to remove obstacles to their mental health and wellness, therefore, enhancing their lives.
Dr. Ifill-Taylor completed Duke University's Integrative Medicine Program for Integrative Medicine Coaching and The University of Florida's certification in Healing with the Arts. She has served in multiple treatment settings, both inpatient and outpatient, and is proud to have served our Veterans at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Since moving to Charlotte, she served as the Outpatient Medical Director at Novant Health, and was the Regional Medical Director for Greenbrook TMS.
At Three Strand Wellness, there is a focus on holistic Integrative Psychiatry as well as traditional Medication Management and Psychotherapy. Caring for those who care for others - and often struggle with prioritizing their own care - is a focus for Dr. Ifill-Taylor. Physicians, nurses and other healthcare workers, veterans, first-responders, clergy, teachers, caregivers, and parents are a particular focus at Three Strand Wellness.
Dr. Ifill-Taylor is a specialist in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy and Spravato Therapy. "After more than 25 years of treating patients with depression, TMS and Spravato are game-changers!" says Dr. Ifill-Taylor. "I'm so pleased that these safe and FDA-approved treatment innovations emerged during my time as a psychiatrist and healer." She received her training in TMS from the Medical University of South Carolina and encourages those who do not know about TMS for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder to call Three Strand Wellness for a free consultation.
Dr. Ifill-Taylor strongly feels that we are each given gifts and talents that we must pursue to achieve personal joy. In that spirit, she has studied music and finds singing to be an important part of achieving personal peace. This pursuit has allowed her to perform at various venues in the United States and abroad, including France, Poland and Denmark.
Her book, "Get Well! Making the Wellness of Your Mind, Body and Spirit a Priority", is available on Amazon.