Addressing food insecurity in the U.S is more important than many of us have considered. The economic gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen...The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted supply chains and strained public support systems... Extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes, are becoming more frequent and more severe due to climate change - all impacting food crops.
At Three Strand Wellness, we believe that mental and physical health are deeply intertwined, and our Integrative Psychiatry practice is dedicated to supporting both. Our spiritual health is the 3rd arm of wellness, that together with the first two, are at the heart of our mission. That's why we are proud to align with Nourish Up (formerly known as Loaves and Fishes) in Charlotte, donating monthly to help decrease food insecurity in our community.
Food insecurity is more than just a lack of food - when individuals are unsure where their next meal will come from, it creates a ripple effect, leading to stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.

Dr. Ifill-Taylor and Three Strand Wellness’ commitment to decreasing food insecurity extends beyond financial contributions. Over the past few years, her own flourishing garden has yielded an abundance of fresh, organic produce. She is thrilled to bring the bounty of her garden to the Three Strand Wellness office where patients, clients, and visitors can take home and enjoy or share these nutritious vegetables. Sharing the produce from our garden allows us to connect with our patients and visitors on a deeper level, integrating our focus on wellness and well-being. At Three Strand Wellness, we picture ourselves as a community partner, dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

Our monetary donations to Nourish Up is now accompanied by our garden surplus donations! We are very excited about this! These are just two ways we are working to create a healthier, more nourished community.
It’s another way that Three Strand Wellness is a very new and special kind of wellness center.